The Equivalence Circuit Model For Lithium-ion Batteries


  • Aysha Fathe-Aldeen University of Portsmouth, School of Mathematics and Physics, Portsmouth, PO1 3FX, United Kingdom



Equialent Circuit Model, LiB Batteries, Circuit Models


This study analyzes equivalent circuit models for lithium-ion batteries to simulate voltage behavior under various C-rates. Starting with a simple SOC to voltage model and progressing to Thevenin and PNGV models, it finds that more complex models perform better. Implemented in Python using Dandeliion , the study compares simulated outputs with experimental data, discussing accuracy, complexity, and computational cost. It aims to identify the simplest model that effectively captures voltage dynamics, provide suggestion based on C-rate and desired accuracy, and emphasise the validation of simplified models against experimental data.


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How to Cite

Fathe-Aldeen, A. (2024). The Equivalence Circuit Model For Lithium-ion Batteries. Emerging Minds Journal for Student Research, 2, 78–102.


