Arend van Campen The conditions for a functional society are no longer present
Information Deficit DisorderAbstract
People observe a tightening of information flows used or even allowed to be used by authorities. They are not aware about the Mass-Energy-Information equivalence principle. People are in a crisis of perception wrote Fritjof Capra years ago, which in fact is the first cause of a dysfunctional society. This paper is based on my PhD research which attempts to list the conditions needed for a functional society. Information is key here. Without optimal information functionality of everything is compromised. Yet, more censorship, propaganda or gaslighting dissipates not just the information but an equal amount of energy. This then causes the information deficit paradox, which states that the action of lying to gain competitive advantage displaces (dissipates) the energy to achieve the competitive advantage and is a zero sum game. In other words, based on soclai interdependence theory: a goal can only be achieved if others can't. I propose two algorithms to measure and predict the probabilities of entropy or negentropy in man-made living systems.
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- 2024-07-06 (2)
- 2024-07-06 (1)
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