A General Law of Functionality: VanCampen’s Law
Informationphysics, Social Entropy, Physical Entropy, Information Entropy, AlgorithmsAbstract
Information as a physical essence which can be quantified and can contain meaning is often misunderstood. The interdependent relationship and equivalence principle between matter-energy–information is probably yet unknown by the general public. People are not aware of its significance. By quantifying available or lacking information, verification of functionality and performance of any anthropogenic system such as industries, organizations, corporations, politics, products or governments becomes plausible. In this paper we introduce the description: ‘social living systems of communication’ for man-made and natural systems [1]. The abbreviated term; ‘living systems’ is based on the book ‘Living Systems’ [2] in which Miller describes the trinity of information, matter and energy for society, will be used throughout the text. The portmanteau ‘Realimiteit’ will be introduced. It expresses that reality has its limitations which are the natural boundaries of and for
functionality. The primary research question is: ‘what are the natural and universal criteria or conditions of sustenance and functionality of living systems?’ A bridge between physics, biology and social living systems will be constructed [3] to synthesize the probable causes for entropy.
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