The 5th Dimension and its Implications for the String Theory, Conservation of Energy and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle


  • Rodney Bartlett Information Physics Institute, ResearchGate, ORCID



E = mc2; Vector-tensor-scalar geometry; Nuclear forces; Black holes; String theory; Quarks; Gluons; Inverse-square law; Wick rotation; Time dilation; Dark matter; Dark energy; Higher dimensions; Antigravitons; Topology; Heisenberg uncertainty principle; Quantum certainty; Riemann hypothesis.


In 1919, the mathematician Theodor Kaluza began to play around with Albert Einstein’s formulas for gravity. Out of curiosity, he reworked the equations to see how they‘d look in five, rather than four, dimensions. The exercise yielded an extra set of equations, which were the same as James Clerk Maxwell’s equations for the electromagnetic field. His idea of a fifth dimension had produced a mathematical unification of gravity and electromagnetism. Since Kaluza’s calculations yielded an extra set of equations with Einstein’s formulas for gravity, it’s logical to assume that extending the number of known dimensions to five might also extend E = mc2. This article also visits conservation of mass and energy / mass-energy equivalence, Electromagnetism, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, the Matrix, Antigravitons, Incompleteness Theorems, New Irrationals, Calculus, Celluloid Motion, and Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry. And as the text accompanying Figure 5 says, “The counterclockwise rotation does not have to encompass 360 degrees. It can be divided into single degrees – and even arcseconds which are 3,600 times smaller than a degree. Each arcsecond (or tiny part of it) could correspond to a separate dimension and the total dimensions might make up a temporal multiverse that’s reminiscent of string theory, the cosmological framework that says particles are composed of one-dimensional objects called strings (a group of binary digits is called a single-dimensional bit string).” Finally, Heisenberg’s Principle of Indeterminacy - in which the position and the velocity of a particle cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory - is revised. Quantum uncertainty is changed into quantum certainty by software containing a new type of irrational number – actually, irrational equations - that’s based on mathematics’ Matrix and topology’s Mobius strip, as well as being interdimensional. Ludwig Wittgenstein, an Austrian-British philosopher, once stated, "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Wittgenstein proposed that our understanding of the world is shaped by the language we use to describe it. This concept extends to mathematics, which can be seen as a specialized language. So if a person has no doubt that 1 + 1 = 2, he or she can never arrive at a truly Unified Theory in which only one thing exists. The maths accepted in 2023 is indispensable in enabling advancements in technology and science that have transformed our lives but is incapable of fully describing Unification. Scientific history has shown that it can go partway. Scientists consequently assume it will eventually go all the way.


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How to Cite

Bartlett, R. (2023). The 5th Dimension and its Implications for the String Theory, Conservation of Energy and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. IPI Letters, 1, 41–55.


