A Different Perspective on Cosmological and Quantum Phenomena That Involves the Temporal Multiverse and the Static Universe
Temporal multiverse, Static and mathematical universe, Quantum mechanics, Quantum gravity, Quantum certainty, General relativity, Holographic principle, Cosmic entanglement, Microscopic-macroscopic union, Sun’s red-giant phase, Advanced waves, Thermodynamic entropy, Imaginary time, Vector-tensor-scalar geometryAbstract
In early January, an article titled “How a quantum innovation may quash the idea of the multiverse” appeared in New Scientist [1] It received a prompt response from German physicist Sabine Hossenfelder in the form of a video on You Tube [2]. The multiverse part got my attention. Suppose quantum gravity one day goes far beyond unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity. It might unite everything in space and time. Assuming the universe is everything that has existed or will exist, the multiverse could be temporal or all the things that happen at different zeptoseconds in this universe (a zeptosecond is the smallest unit of time ever measured and equals 10−21s or a trillionth of a billionth of a second). That quantum gravity from the far future could unify all the times in the multiverse with the one physical universe. This makes the multiverse
observable constantly (and kind of scientific). Viewing a zeptosecond as the latest step towards discovering the quantum (smallest amount) of time, this Article proposes a connection between quantum mechanics and cosmology’s holographic principle. This suggests the microscopic is united with the macroscopic when the holographic principle is combined with the precision of unrecognized quantum certainty. The micro-macro union means the holographic principle could not only be used to achieve physical quantum entanglement of particles or atoms but could also be used to unify the temporal multiverse with the physical universe. It even opens the door on quantum wave functions and particles being used to overcome otherwise inevitable phenomena like the Sun’s future red-giant phase and the 2nd law of thermodynamics’ eventual entropic decay
of the entire cosmos. Vopson writes, “In an expanding universe, the entropy will always increase because more possible micro-states are being created via the expansion of the space itself/universe”[3]. Therefore, avoiding the cosmic demise due to entropy requires the universe to be static. A possible mathematical structure of such a universe is outlined. The article finishes with Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry that offers support for the proposed building blocks of space-time via the Hodge Conjecture, presents a feasible alternative method for formation of astronomical bodies, and submits a new picture of the Higgs boson and field.
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