A Unified Model of Natural Evolution and the Crises in Particle Physics and Cosmology
Unified Model of Natural Evolution-01
Fundamental Principle, Life symmetries , Intellectual System (IS), Hypo-intellectuals, Hyper-intellectuals, Intellectual Index (II)Abstract
A unified model of the evolution of the universe is presented. The model consists of four stages: Planckian, Einsteinian, Darwinian, and Intellectual. The evolution of the universe is described as a single flow of information processing that begins at the Planckian stage and continues into the emergence of the most complex information processor: the human brain and the technologically developed human civilization. Each stage has its own structural and functional unit, carriers of evolutionary information, and driving evolving objects. The Planckian stage is described as a system of quantum-mechanically entangled PlanckITs: an entity that represents existence in a randomized space and randomized time. The space-time continuum is presented as a collection of addressable PlanckYTEs. APlanckYTE contains a fixed number of PlanckITs. In the Einsteinian
stage, the leptons and quarks of the latest appeared generation carry the information that define the conditions for the transition to the Darwinian stage. Leptons and quarks code a set of parameters that define the conditions for the origin of life and its subsequent evolution. The following expression: ME = (9ℏc3)/(2αGkTE) is one of the results that supports this fact. The Darwinian stage describes biological evolution. The intellectual stage uses the concepts of life symmetry and intellectual fields to describes the intellectual or cultural evolution of social systems. This paper is the first of three papers: ”A Unified Model of Natural Evolution and the Crises in Particle Physics and Cosmology”; ”Space and Time at Planck’s Scale, Carriers of the Evolutionary Information, and the Evolution of the Universe”; ”Evolutionary Anthropodynamics: The Evolution of Intellectual Systems”. Some calculations are done to support the unified model of natural evolution.
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