Actual Problems of Modern Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology


  • Valery Timkov Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 03186, Kyiv



Keywords: metric tensor, Einstein's GR equation, Hubble constant, fractal structure of the Universe, quantum wave equations of the gravitational field, duality of time, singularity point, Big Bang.


Variants of solving actual problems of modern physics, astrophysics, and cosmology are considered. Since the observable Universe is a rotating black hole, the Kerr metric is the most optimal for solving Einstein's GR equation. New basic equations of cosmology are proposed, which take into account the effect of space rotation of the observable Universe. The expansion of space in the observable Universe after the Big Bang ended on the surface of the Hubble sphere. The radius of this sphere is half the Schwarzschild radius, so the observable Universe, like the Hubble sphere, is a black hole. The effect of redshift from distant objects of the observable Universe in all azimuths from the observer is associated with the rotation of the Hubble sphere. This means that dark energy does not exist, and the kinetic energy of the Hubble sphere creates the effect of the presence of a dark mass. The gravitational field has two fundamental properties: 1) it curves the space around any gravitating object, and 2) it creates a kinematic gravitational viscosity, which slows down the movement of some parts of matter relative to its other parts. The second property is based on the quantum-wave nature of the gravitational field. The quantum of the gravitational field is the square of the speed of light in a vacuum. The physical nature of the gravitational field quantum is the kinematic gravitational viscosity of the gravitational field of the baryonic matter of the observable Universe. The second property limits the maximum possible transfer rate of the physical interaction. Given both fundamental properties, a complete description of the gravitational field is based on a complex consideration of three equations: 1) Einstein's GR equation, and 2) two quantum-wave Maxwell-like Heaviside equations. The connection between the Standard Model of physics and gravitational interaction is proposed to be established based on the fact that the electromagnetic field is a special case of the gravitational field since the electric charge is a function of the moment of mass, Coulomb's law can be represented in gravitational form, and the basic units of measurement of electromagnetism can be expressed in terms of units of measurement gravity. The Universe has a hierarchical fractal structure. With the growth of the scale factor of the Universe, a fractal inflation of all the main attributes of matter is observed. The scale factor between the microcosm and the macrocosm is proposed to be established based on the modified Dirac Big Numbers. Gravitational-electromagnetic resonance is proposed to be used for accurate estimation of the mass of distant gravitating objects in the observable Universe. Gravitons and WIMPs, as carriers of the gravitational field and dark mass, are absent in nature. The absence of gravitons is due to the absence of mass in the formula for the quantum of the gravitational field. The absence of WIMPs is because the dark mass is determined by the kinetic energy of rotation of the observable Universe.


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How to Cite

Timkov, V. (2024). Actual Problems of Modern Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology. IPI Letters, 2(2), 42–75.


