Most Read Article Award
Congratulations to Olivier Denis, the Winner of the 2023-2024 Most Read Article Award of the IPI Letters
ISBN 978-1-80517-057-0 (print)
ISBN 978-1-80517-058-7 (ebook)
140 pages paperback
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The book "Reality Reloaded: The Scientific Case for a Simulated Universe" caters to a diverse audience, including scientists, academics, students, and the general public.
The simulated universe hypothesis postulates that our reality is a simulated construct, much like a sophisticated computer programme or virtual reality simulation. In this scenario, the physical laws governing our reality are algorithms, and our tangible experiences are simply generated by the computational processes of an immensely advanced system.
While inherently speculative, the simulated universe theory has gained traction due to rapid advancements in technology, the emergence of powerful computers capable of running complex simulations, virtual reality applications becoming increasingly sophisticated and immersive, certain philosophical considerations, and recent scientific developments in the field of information physics.
Within the scientific community, the concept of a simulated universe has sparked both fascination and skepticism. The key question remains: Can we find scientific evidence to support or refute the simulated universe hypothesis?
Answering this key question is the main focus of the book. The author delves into the connections between information science, technological advancements, cutting-edge concepts in physics, and the plausibility of the simulated universe hypothesis, offering unique perspectives and novel scientific arguments that appear to support the hypothesis. The book is very stimulating and invites further research in the fascinating field of information physics.
The book should be referenced as:
M.M. Vopson, Reality Reloaded: The Scientific Case for a Simulated Universe, IPI Publishing, ISBN 978-1-80517-057-0, (2023).
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, digital scanning, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Quotes of less than 500 words are permissible, with proper credit given.
Published by IPI Publishing
Hampshire, UK
Copyright © 2023 by Melvin M. Vopson
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The author acknowledges the financial support received for this research from the University of Portsmouth and the Information Physics Institute.
The author is also deeply grateful to all his supporters and would like to acknowledge the generous contributions received to his research in the field of information physics, from the following donors and crowd-funding backers, listed in alphabetical order:
Alban Frachisse, Alexandra Lifshin, Allyssa Sampson, Ana Leao-Mouquet, Andre Brannvoll, Andrews83, Angela Pacelli, Aric R Bandy, Ariel Schwartz, Arne Michael Nielsen, Arvin Nealy, Ash Anderson, Barry Anderson, Benjamin Jakubowicz, Beth Steiner, Bruce McAllister, Caleb M Fletcher, Chris Ballard, Cincero Rischer, Colin Williams, Colyer Dupont, Cruciferous1, Daniel Dawdy, Darya Trapeznikova, David Catuhe, Dirk Peeters, Dominik Cech, Kenneth Power, Eric Rippingale, Ethel Casey, Ezgame Workplace, Frederick H. Sullenberger III, Fuyi Zhou, George Fletcher, Gianluca Carminati, Gordo TEK, Graeme Hewson, Graeme Kirk, Graham Wilf Taylor, Heath McStay, Heyang Han, Ian Wickramasekera, Ichiro Tai, Inspired Designs LLC, Ivaylo Aleksiev, Jamie C Liscombe, JAN Stehlak, Jason Huddleston, Jason Olmsted, Jennifer Newsom, Jerome Taurines, John Jones, John Vivenzio, John Wyrzykowski, Josh Hansen, Joshua Deaton, Josiah Kuha, Justin Alderman, Kamil Koper, Keith Baton, Keith Track, Kristopher Bagocius, Land Kingdom, Lawrence Zehnder, Lee Fletcher, Lev X, Linchuan Wang, Liviu Zurita, Loraine Haley, Manfred Weltenberg, Mark Matt Harvey-Nawaz, Matthew Champion, Mengjie Ji, Michael Barnstijn, Michael Legary, Michael Stattmann, Michelle A Neeshan, Michiel van der Bruggen, Molly R McLaren, Mubarrat Mursalin, Nick Cherbanich, Niki Robinson, Norberto Guerra Pallares, Olivier Climen, Pedro Decock, Piotr Martyka, Ray Rozeman, Raymond O’Neill, Rebecca Marie Fraijo, Robert Montani, Shenghan Chen, Sova Novak, Steve Owen Troxel, Sylvain Laporte, Tamás Takács, Tilo Bohnert, Tomasz Sikora, Tony Koscinski, Turker Turken, Vincent Auteri, Walter Gabrielsen III, Will Strinz, William Beecham, William Corbeil, Xinyi Wang, Yanzhao Wu, Yves Permentier, Zahra Murad and Ziyan Hu.
Finally, the author would like to thank all the Research Fellows of the Information Physics Institute for their support, passion, and contributions to this research field. All existing IPI Research Fellows are listed here in alphabetical order:
Alexander Robinson, Arend van Campen, Barry Robson, Christian Howard, Diego Manzoni, Doug Matzke, Gary J Duggan, George Ageyev, Gerry McGovern, Gianluca Carminati, Greg Ryan Quinnell, Iain Robert Franklin, Ian Muehlenhaus, John G. Nicholson, John Ingham Davies, Joshua Deaton, Joshua Watson, Juan Carlos Buitrago Moreno, Kyle Haines, Lance Marembo, Marco Gericke, Mark Summers, Matthew Champion, Matthew Schenk, Matthieu Graux, Max Karl Goff, Michael Legary, Mubarrat Mahin Mursalin, Olivier Denis, Robert J Toogood, Rodney Bartlett, Steven Johnston, Theophanes Raptis, Trevor Page, Virgil Priscu and Yalitza Therly Ramos Gil.
ISSN 2976 - 730X
Congratulations to Olivier Denis, the Winner of the 2023-2024 Most Read Article Award of the IPI Letters
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