IPI Letters
IPI Letters is the official publication of the Information Physics Institute (IPI) and a pioneering open access journal that focuses on the multidisciplinary field of information science. It serves as a platform for publishing research in various areas, including digital information, quantum information, information physics, information theory, information in biological systems, information data storage, and information entropy.
Our journal aims to foster the exchange of groundbreaking ideas and scientific discoveries that push the boundaries of information science.
With a commitment to open science, IPI Letters ensures that all its publications are freely accessible to scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts worldwide.
We encourage interdisciplinary studies that explore innovative approaches and have a profound impact on our understanding of information.
We believe in the power of diversity and inclusivity in science, and we welcome contributions from researchers worldwide, regardless of their background, affiliation, or career stage.
Join us on this exciting journey as we uncover the mysteries of information and shape the future of information science together.
Emerging Minds Journal for Student Research
Welcome to the Emerging Minds Journal for Student Research, a platform dedicated to showcasing cutting-edge research conducted by students.
Our mission is to provide a high-quality, affordable, open-access publishing outlet for students in all areas of study around the world, who whish to get published, improve their profiles, CVs and job prospects, by publishing their research projects and coursework.
The journal welcomes short communications, original research articles, reviews, case reports, student projects and coursework from current or former undergraduate and graduate students in all fields of study, including but not limited to:
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Engineering and Technology
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Earth, Geography and Environmental Sciences
- Medical, Biology and Health Sciences
- Sport Science
- Social Sciences
- Humanities & Arts
- Business & Economics
- Education & Psychology
- Law, Politics & Policy
- Interdisciplinary Studies
Student project and coursework submissions already marked by an academic and scored 70% or more, will only be subjected to editorial screening and will be accepted for publication without peer review.
We look forward to reading your submissions and working with you to advance all fields of research!